Saturday 11 May 2013

Into water

Can't remember where the discussion is on here but I know there were calls for more pees into water. I was with Little Chloe last week and we found this bridge over a brook, which Chloe willing peed off into the water. Unfortunately the river bank is obscuring the view of the pee hitting the water but the sound is good!

I'll try and do more this summer


Anonymous said...

It's not related to this vid but I've had an idea and wondered what people thought. I was watching Tiffany's interview and volume test and it struck me how women seem to have a huge range of bladder capacities. I was thinking it would be fun to have a chart like they do on Tog Gear for best lap times. It could add a bit of a fun competative element to future interviews. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

love the idea.
have one-off specials for distance and volume tests.

I have to confess, like others on this blog, i much prefer distance tests to volume tests. I love seeing desperate forceful pee rushing out in a shiny stream, rather than seeing a girl squatting over a measuring jug.
imho the volume tests far outweigh the number of distance tests on this site.

Sneaky said...

I love that idea too. I'll sort that out as soon as I get some time. I'll also need to work out where on the site it should be posted, though certainly it will be published next test we do.

With regards to the distance tests, the reason there are less of them is that so few of the girls can do more than 40-50cm away from themselves, which is not exactly amazing or intersting to watch. I'll try and find some more squirters!!!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great idea. Volume tests would be much more fun in a competition of some kind.

Anonymous said...

i'd urge everyone on this blog try stopping peeing mid-flow - i'd forgotten how intense the desperation feeling and urge to carry on is.

can't wait to see some of the girls stopping mid-flow, and watching them squirming :)

Anonymous said...


Lets hope that milf new girls number 5 & 6 lead to some naughty peeing, as they have a naughty streak. Maybe back to carparks with elevators, phone boxes, stair wells, I know its hard in the CCTV world, but i know lots of us would appreciate a return to some of the naughtier stuff. Remeber the scene where a milf peed on the carpeted toilet floor of a pub, priceless !!!!!!