Monday 1 September 2014

Introducing Skye

Skye is one of our new girls this year and one of the most naturally beautiful we've had in a long long time. I usually try and avoid woods or fields as I think its just a bit too easy, a cop out if you will, for a pee producer to not bother being somewhere more risky and urban.

With Skye however I thought her "wood nymph" kind of look lended itself to this environment. Oh and she can certainly pee!!


Plvr said...

She looks hot. I don't think that it's always necessary to be in a risky area for the clip to be sexy.

I think that the most important factor are the ladies(obviously), the stance, the pee, the pussy and the dialogue.

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful. Would love to see her adding a stream of her yellow pee into a woodland stream.